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ජාතික පුස්තකාල පුවත්, தேசிய நூலகச் செய்தி, National library news, විවිධ රටවල සංස්කෘතික උරුමයන් ආරක්ෂා කරදීමේ දී ජාත්යන්තර පොලීසියේ (INTERPOL) කාර්යභාරය - Jean -Pierre, Jouanny Tran, by W. Sunil (Deputy Directory -NLDSB), A new method to determine the conservation condition of the library collections with special reference to Martin Wickramasinghe collection of National Library & Documentation centre - Udaya Cabral - Head - Conservetion & Preservation Division (NLDSB), வாசிப்பினூடான சமூக அபிவிருத்திக்காக இணைந்து பணியாற்றவல்ல சமூக அமைப்புக்களின் தேவை நாடும் இலங்கையின் நூலகத்துறையும், ද්විතියික මූලාශ්රයක් වශයෙන් "Current Contents" හි වැදගත්කම - සේනානි දීපිකා බණ්ඩාර |